Friday, November 30, 2012

What causes this pain?

Behind the smile and the laughter that I do each day lies a big fear inside of me. I am hesitant to tell the exact feeling to my family as I don't want them to feel anguish about it. I have decided to write all of these things as a way of letting go of the sadness. How I wish that  the pain will go away too. Yes, I've been in pain for more than a year now . A fact that I kept on denying to myself.  It was exactly one year after my last C-section delivery that I have experience this discomfort. At first, I did not consider my C- section deliveries as the cause of these:
* severe abdominal pain
* sever lower back pain and pelvis pain
* severe constipation causing painful bowel movements
* severe bloating
But if I can still recall it, it started when a severe pain strikes my lower abdomen (area of incision), exactly 3 months before my youngest son's first birthday ( Sept. 20, 2011). It was a double sharp pain on my lower abdomen and pelvic area. Which I thought might be just an early sign of primary dysmenorrhea since I am near my period. But as the days goes by, pain became worst . Worst than what I have expected. To the extent that I can no longer do normal things that I do every day. So simple things like standing and sitting. I cannot stand  nor sit for a long period of time. The feeling is like "a very sharp and hot strike hitting my lower back, pelvic and abdomen areas". So with that, I knew it is no longer caused by a regular dysmenorrhea. I know it is more than that as I never had painful periods before I got my kids, not even after I had them. I have to figure it out. Sooner or later  I have to answer my HOW and WHAT and WHY questions.  I have to know if C-section is really the one causing the pain. It might be too late for I already had 3 consecutive C-S operations which drastically changed my LIFE.  But it is not too late for me to help you. Whether it is the one causing the pain or not. I don't want you be in pain. Pain that might steal a lot of your precious time. We have to believe that PREVENTION is  really better than CURE.
Have you ever had the same feeling of discomfort? Share it! We might be able to help each other.Let's learn on each other's experiences. Any thoughts will be highly appreciated. 


  1. I know more than anyone how this feels. Unfortunately I had 2 C-Sections within less than 2 years. This has caused the muscles in my stomach to stretch and now I can't even suck my stomach in, there is no control there, and now it has been almost 4 years ago and my stomach is still numb, Im 27 and I can't hold my pee, my bladder is weak. My periods look like post delivery periods, with clots the size of a childs fist. I can't begin to explain the pain in my back, when I talked to a Doctor he explained to me that some women do not heal like others, and that C-sections are despite what people think, a serious and major surgery. By the time I am 35 he thinks I will have to have my bladder repaired, and a hysterectomy. He explained to me that my body and the pain I am experiencing is my body trying to have a period at a normal time. He says because I have scoliosis and that they took over 1 hour trying to give me a spinal tap that this could account for nerve damage. I felt the most god awful burns bent over a table with a nurse holding me in position. I had sweat rolling off my face and the woman holding me kept whispering she was so sorry, I even said many times, this isnt normal is it? is it? Is IT? I didnt get an answer, but the weeks and months after I have my cesarean I paid for it, I now know it was not normal, and another doctor should have been called to try to do the spinal tap, not the same one trying for almost 1 hour. Needless to say the hospital I went to both times made something that should have been magical and memorable into a nightmare that I do not like to think about. Its ruined so much of my love for adventure, I can't even make love to my husband without cringing in pain.You my dear are not alone. if youd like to talk to me my email is if its something you would like to talk about in private.-Christel -hope u feel better.

    1. I am so sorry to hear that Christel. I have searched through the net and yes, I know I am not alone. There are a lot of us who have been in pain after C-section. Nevertheless, most of them are also asking if C-S is really the one causing it. They are also looking for answers. Posts are mostly questions that were not answered.
      Comments online can go far as 2001 and yet no one bothered to answer. Some tried treatments but never returned to comment if treatments done were of a success. No one knows the exact reason, not even doctors can figure it out. This in one way or another stole a lot of what we are or of what we used to have. If only we knew that things will be like this... we should have considered other options. We'll as I have told you.. it maybe too late for both of us. But we can still help other moms to consider delivering their precious in a normal way.
      You will surely hear from me via email.Mine is
      Thank you so much for your comment. I hope you are feeling better today. God is with us! :)

  2. I believe you have to see a doctor Joan, in order to know what causing the pain.

    1. Thanks mommy Joy. Well, can I call you MOMMY pala?.. I hope ok lang..
      Thanks for the advice. I will definitely do that..

      See you around!
